
£21.50 Standard DBS Check + £10.50 Handling fee = £32.00 Total

£49.50 Enhanced DBS Check + £10.50 Handling fee = £60.00 Total

We do not charge a set-up fee.
Please contact us for a quote if you are carrying out a high volume of checks per year.


All our handling fees incur VAT charged at the standard rate. (DBS fees are outside the scope of VAT).

Please note we are no longer able to process paper applications, with exception of those which cannot otherwise be processed electronically. Paper applications incur a handling fee of £15.50.

Price for additional services

We provide the following additional services:
External ID Validation for Route 2 - £10
DBS Adult First check - £11 (£6 + £5.50 handling fee)

Where we work


  1. All Counties

What we do


  1. All Sectors

Specialist services

  1. e bulk/ e broker
  2. Advice / Guidance /Training
  3. ID Validation
  4. On-line Access/Support/Tracking
  5. Update Service

Other information

Advice, support and guidance on the DBS application process, including overseas police checks.
Guidance around all aspects of Safer Recruitment statutory requirements and best practice.
Support in understanding and establishing DBS eligibility.
DBS Adult First Checks.
External ID validation to comply with Route 2 of the DBS ID verification process.
Electronic DBS checking, including Basic checks.

'Safeguarding starts with safer recruitment'.
Devon County Council’s Safer Recruitment Service has been providing support to employers and organisations with their safe recruitment processes and policies since 2002, providing a fast, focused and reliable service to our customers. We offer an electronic (online) DBS application service.

Contact details

Robyn Andrews

Devon County Council
Safer Recruitment Service HR
County Hall

The Disclosure and Barring Service is not responsible for this information.

Apply Online

at the Devon County Council website