£21.50 Standard DBS Check + £10 Handling fee = £31.50 Total
£49.50 Enhanced DBS Check + £10 Handling fee = £59.50 Total
Rates stated are for MEMBER ORGANISATIONS ONLY. We only provide DBS checks to members organisations in hertfordshire, all of which work with children and young people.
Support to children & youth groups/organisations around the county through training, 121 support, Ambition Quality and much more. Our vision is for every young person in Hertfordshire to access high quality opportunities and provision to enhance their growth and development. Membership rates available on request.
Pro-Action Hertfordshire is a membership organisation. We support, represent and champion the many organisations and individuals across Hertfordshire who work with children and young people.
Our membership now includes organisations from the voluntary, private and public sectors. Our membership covers a wide range of children and young people’s interests - sports, dance, youth, arts, play, faith based organisations, uniformed groups such as Police Cadets, statutory organisations and many more.
We support and encourage the leaders and volunteers who provide those opportunities.
For us, children and young people means everyone between the ages of 6 and 18 (including 19 -25 year olds with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities).
David Green
Pro-Action Hertfordshire
Sylvia Adams House
24 The Common
AL10 0NB
The Disclosure and Barring Service is not responsible for this information.