£21.50 + £9 = £30.50
£49.50 + £9 = £58.50
If you are completing more that 50 applications per month, £9, more than 100 per month, £7. If you supply more than 500 per month, £5
E-bulk processing fees
If you are completing more that 50 applications per month, £9, more than 100 per month, £7. If you supply more than 500 per month, £5
Basic Criminal Record Checks
BS 7858
Right to Work
Pre-employment Screening
Critical Date Database Management
Government Security Clearances to CTC and SC levels for Home Office Contracts
We've custom made the only DBS software that registers a company and then the role, pre entering ALL of the check details required ONCE. Hastle free and Zero management time from the user.
We take the hassle out of DBS checks. Open an account on line FREE of charge. There's no limit to the applications you can make on our secure on line system. You maintain your own account & track applications via a secure link.
Barry Clark
Cataphract Ltd
SMP House
HP22 6EF
The Disclosure and Barring Service is not responsible for this information.